Our legal system gets it wrong again...surprise, surprise!
The Anthony family is most certainly a dysfunctional family which mirrors exactly the dysfunction of our government and the culture it creates.
The mother does not report her child missing for a month. She moves in with a boyfriend the day her daughter goes missing. She parties and has a great time, until she is caught. And then she lies, and lies, and then lies some more. Her parents lie for her and lie for her some more, they cover up for her, which clearly they have done for her - her whole life. The prosecution never suggested this possibility. She most probably killed the child with chloroform. The prosecution never offered this as a cause of death. The prosecution never thought it was important to delve into the dysfunction of the Anthony family, in spite of the fact that everyone concurred on both sides of the aisle that this was the epicenter of where the truth lay.
The prosecution didn't really do much, did they? Our tax dollars at work.
Casey Anthony is a maligant narcissist sociopath made that way by herself and her enabling family. She killed her daughter and lied about it. It's all pretty obvious. This isn't rocket science.
Note to all the scum bag attorneys (like those that represented Casey Anthony): your first obligation is to be an officer of the court, and to seek justice and truth.
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